ComputeMode on top of Debian Squeeze: step by step process
This page describes the installation step by step of ComputeMode server on top of a Debian Squeeze system.
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Note |
Pre-built ComputeMode server appliances are also available for a quick setup of ComputeMode within a virtual machine |
If you don't want to use a Virtual appliance for your Computemode server, you can read and follow this part to install from scratch a new server.
Install the base Debian Squeeze system
- boot Debian Lenny install media (netboot cdrom for instance), i386 or amd64 flavor, and proceed to the install
- in tasksel, select web server + dns server + standard system
- install OpenSSH server
apt-get install openssh-server
We now have a up and remotely accessible wonderful running Debian system !
Update the package sources
- Add apt sources for Computemode repositories
cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/computemode.list deb ./ EOF
- Add apt sources for OAR repositories
cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oar.list deb squeeze main EOF
- Some options can be tweaked:
cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/000custom APT::Default-Release "stable"; APT::Cache-Limit 40000000; APT::Get::Purge; Acquire::PDiffs "false"; EOF
- Finally:
apt-get update
Installation of ComputeMode web interface
We install ComputeMode packages, with the dependancies (Apache2, PHP, aso)
apt-get install cmwebadmin cmwebadmin-data cmwebadmin-manual cmwebadmin-portal
- accept deps, accept db reset, accept the sudoers modification
- get rid of the RedirectMatch ^/$ /apache2-default/ in apache default site
- remove /var/www/index.html to get the ComputeMode site working
- move /var/www/index.htm to /var/www/index.html
- sed -i 's/;suhosin.get.max_value_length = 512/suhosin.get.max_value_length = 2048/g' /etc/php5/conf.d/suhosin.ini
We have to install MDB2 module for postgresql:
apt-get install php-mdb2-driver-pgsql php-mdb2 php-net-ldap
If you're seeing an error from the apache log file with the following message: "PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /usr/share/php/MDB2.php on line". It's a bug from the MDB2 module currently fixed in the beta version ( If you want to use the beta version, just install the MDB2 module from "pear" instead of "apt-get":
pear config-set preferred_state beta pear install mdb2 && pear install MDB2_Driver_pgsql pear config-set preferred_state stable
You can also install tools used by cmwebadmin-portal:
apt-get install phppgadmin apt-get install mrtg mrtg-contrib && mkdir /var/www/mrtg
and finish the installation of cmwebadmin activating the cron for the interface:
echo '* * * * * root /usr/bin/wget -O- -q http://localhost/cm/engine/cronautomaton.php >/dev/null' > /etc/cron.d/cronautomaton
Note: when apache is starting, you could see the following warning: "Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name". To avoid this warning just type the command:
# echo 'ServerName "localhost"' >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Installation of HPA's tftp server
Accept "/srv/tftp" for TFTP root directory during the installation:
# apt-get install tftpd-hpa
Installation and configuration of the core services
- First install ISC DHCP and DNS server, as well as Linux NFS server
apt-get install bind9 isc-dhcp-server nfs-kernel-server
- Then retrieve Computemode ready to use configuration files
cd /tmp; wget
- We can now put the configuration files in place
tar xvfz /tmp/cm-conf-files-squeeze.tgz -C / chown -R bind:bind /var/cache/bind
- Fix the configuration files with regard to the IP address which is actually assigned to your server and fix the DNS forwarders in /etc/bind/named.conf.options
- Then run at once (if accessing the machine remotely) the reconfiguration of the network interfaces
ifdown eth0 ;ifup eth0
- Create the directory to export for NFSROOT
mkdir /cm
- And finally restart the services
invoke-rc.d bind9 restart invoke-rc.d isc-dhcp-server restart exportfs -rv
- If you don't want to manage the know_hosts file for the SSH server, just un-comment the following line into the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:
#IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
Installation of an account database
ComputeMode diskless node image ships with NIS configured, using the "computemode" domaine. If you do want to use NIS and run the NIS server on the ComputeMode server, run:
- check that the configuration is set to act as a NIS master in /etc/default/nis (file provided in the cm-conf-files.tgz we retrieved above)
- then
apt-get install nis
- set the domain name to "computemode"
- run the NIS domain initialization
/usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m
- create your user accounts, etc...
- and generate the NIS maps
cd /var/yp make
- To finish restart your NIS server
invoke-rc.d nis restart
Other services/utils
Other services can be configured:
- apt-get install syslog-ng
- apt-get install ntp
- apt-get install dnsutils
- ...
Installation of the resource manager OAR
- You have to install package for Postgresql connection:
apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl
- And then the OAR's packages:
apt-get install oar-admin oar-common oar-doc oar-node oar-server oar-user
- Then you have two ways to create the database (extract from the OAR admin manual:
First, you can manually create the database, create users and postgresql role:
sudo su - postgres
createuser -P Enter name of role to add: oar Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n CREATE ROLE
createuser -P Enter name of role to add: oar_ro Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
createdb oar
psql -Uoar -h127.0.0.1 oar \i /usr/lib/oar/pg_structure.sql \i /usr/lib/oar/pg_default_admission_rules.sql \i /usr/lib/oar/default_data.sql \q
psql -Uoar -h127.0.0.1 oar GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON schema,accounting,admission_rules,assigned_resources, challenges,event_log_hostnames,event_logs,files,frag_jobs,gantt_jobs_predictions, gantt_jobs_predictions_visu,gantt_jobs_resources,gantt_jobs_resources_visu, job_dependencies,job_resource_descriptions,job_resource_groups, job_state_logs,job_types,jobs,moldable_job_descriptions,queues, resource_logs,resources,admission_rules_id_seq,event_logs_event_id_seq, files_file_id_seq,job_resource_groups_res_group_id_seq, job_state_logs_job_state_log_id_seq,job_types_job_type_id_seq, moldable_job_descriptions_moldable_id_seq,resource_logs_resource_log_id_seq, resources_resource_id_seq,jobs_job_id_seq TO oar;
GRANT SELECT ON schema,accounting,admission_rules,assigned_resources,event_log_hostnames, event_logs,files,frag_jobs,gantt_jobs_predictions,gantt_jobs_predictions_visu, gantt_jobs_resources,gantt_jobs_resources_visu,job_dependencies, job_resource_descriptions,job_resource_groups,job_state_logs,job_types, jobs,moldable_job_descriptions,queues,resource_logs,resources,admission_rules_id_seq, event_logs_event_id_seq,files_file_id_seq,job_resource_groups_res_group_id_seq, job_state_logs_job_state_log_id_seq,job_types_job_type_id_seq, moldable_job_descriptions_moldable_id_seq,resource_logs_resource_log_id_seq, resources_resource_id_seq,jobs_job_id_seq TO oar_ro; \q
Or you can use the /usr/lib/oar/oar_psql_db_init command to automate the process:
sudo /usr/lib/oar/oar_psql_db_init
- To complete the database installation, don't forget to configure postgresql in both case:
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf
and insert those two lines:
host oar oar_ro md5 host oar oar md5
- Don't forget to edit the /etc/oar/oar.conf file to configure the database and account access for OAR:
vi /etc/oar/oar.conf
For example:
# DataBase hostname DB_HOSTNAME="localhost"
# DataBase port DB_PORT="5432"
# Database base name DB_BASE_NAME="oar"
# DataBase user name DB_BASE_LOGIN="oar"
# DataBase user password DB_BASE_PASSWD="oar"
# DataBase read only user name DB_BASE_LOGIN_RO="oar_ro"
# DataBase read only user password DB_BASE_PASSWD_RO="oar_ro"
Uncomment the following line into the /etc/oar/oar.conf file, to configure the ping checker in order to check automatically if a node is alive:
PINGCHECKER_TAKTUK_ARG_COMMAND="broadcast exec timeout 5 kill 9 [ oarnodecheckquery ]
To configure the Power Saving module, just configure the following variables into the /etc/oar/oar.conf file:
then, restart the oar-server:
/etc/init.d/oar-server restart
- You also have to insert some properties into the OAR database for ComputeMode:
oarproperty -a cpu oarproperty -a mem oarproperty -c -a cluster oarproperty -a core oarproperty -c -a mac_address
- You can also install monitoring OAR tools: DrawGantt and Monika
apt-get install oar-web-status
- and to complete the installation (from
apt-get install ruby libdbd-mysql-ruby libdbd-pg-ruby libgd-ruby1.8 vi /etc/oar/monika.conf
With for example:
hostname = localhost dbport = 5432 dbtype = psql dbname = oar username = oar password = oar
vi /etc/oar/drawgantt.conf
With for example:
# Database type ("mysql" or "Pg") DB_TYPE: Pg
# Database connection port (default 3306 for mysql or 5432 for Pg) DB_PORT: 5432
# DataBase hostname DB_HOSTNAME: localhost
# Database base name DB_BASE_NAME: oar
# DataBase read only user name DB_BASE_LOGIN_RO: oar_ro
# DataBase read only user password DB_BASE_PASSWD_RO: oar_ro
# To have an easier view with CM's hostnames left_offsetgridx: 300
#To configure Drawgantt in order to print cpu/core reservation # Change the two lines: second_field_property: "cpu", by: second_field_property: "core" # And uncomment the following line at the end of the file: prop_hierarchy: - network_address - cpu - core
And to finish:
cp /etc/oar/drawgantt.conf /etc/oar/monika.conf /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
And configure the "sudoers" file for the computemode web site:
cat <<EOF >> /etc/sudoers www-data ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/oarnodesetting www-data ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/oarproperty www-data ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/oarremoveresource www-data ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/oaradmin www-data ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/arping oar ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/etherwake EOF
Installation of the Module software
Module is a software environment mangager. If you want to install module sofwtare on you CM server, just follow thoses steps:
* apt-get install -y --force-yes tcl-dev tcllib * cd /tmp && wget && tar zxvf modules-3.2.9c.tar.gz * cd /tmp/modules-3.2.9 && ./configure && make && make install && rm -Rf /tmp/modules*
Then to give access to the module command to your users, insert the two following lines into the $HOME/.bashrc file:
shell=`basename $SHELL` . /usr/local/Modules/3.2.9/init/$shell
Installation of ComputeMode nodes image
- Retrieve the Debian Squeezee node image and untar it. For the 64bit mode node:
cd /tmp/; wget tar xvfz /tmp/cm-node-squeeze-amd64.tar.gz -C /
- For the 32bit mode node:
cd /tmp/; wget tar xvfz /tmp/cm-node-squeeze-i386.tar.gz -C
Edit the /var/www/cm/modules/index.html file and change the '64bits' version for '32bits' version
- Configure the OAR,root, www-data access to this node and its environement:
cd /cm/debian && sh ./