Making a release

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This page describes the steps (in that order) to do a ComputeMode release.


Building and uploading the cmwebadmin packages

cmwebadmin is architecture neutral.

# make cmwebadmin
# make upload-cmwebadmin

Building and uploading the configuration tarball

Configuration is architecture neutral.

# make cmconf
# make upload-cmconf

Building and uploading the node image

This step will use kameleon.

Target exists for the i386 and x86_64 platforms.

# make cmnode32 cmnode64
# make upload-cmnode32 upload-cmnode64

Building and uploading the server image

This step will use kameleon.

Target exists for the i386 and x86_64 platforms. For those images to be built with everything up to date, the cmwebadmin, cmconf and cmnode* packages must have been uploaded before generating cmserver* images.

# make cmserver32 cmserver64
# make upload-cmserver32 upload-cmserver64
Personal tools

user portal
developer portal
wiki stuff