Waking virtual machines up
From ComputeMode
This page aims at explaining (non-exhaustively) how to emulate the Wake-On-Lan functions using virtual machines.
There is a lot of ways to do this, notably :
* you can write a high-level service that will listen to custom queries on the virtual network, this is really simple (let's use UDP broadcast messages) * you can write a ethernet-level daemon that will listen to WOL queries on the virtual network, this is rather complex, but do not require changes in the ComputeMode appliances * ...
Waking up through custom UDP packets
With VirtualBox
Here is a python script to run on the host system :
#!/usr/bin/env python import re, shlex, socket, subprocess, sys def vmnamebymac(mac): vmname = None cmd = "VBoxManage list -l vms" args = shlex.split(cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) while True: line = proc.stdout.readline() if (not line): break namematches = re.match(r"^Name: *(.*)$", line) if (namematches != None): vmname = namematches.group(1) nicmatches = re.match(r"^NIC \d+: *MAC: "+mac+",.*$", line) if (nicmatches != None): return vmname return None def vmstart(name): cmd = "VBoxManage startvm %s" % name args = shlex.split(cmd) subprocess.call(args) def main(argv=None): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind(("", 6666)) while(True): data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) matches = re.match(r"ICANHAS (.*)\?", str(data)) if (matches == None): continue vmname = vmnamebymac(re.sub(r":", "", matches.group(1)).upper()) if (vmname != None): vmstart(vmname) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
Then change the /etc/oar/wake_up_nodes.sh with the following to send a UDP request instead of WOL packet :
#!/bin/bash # Sample script for energy saving (wake-up) NODES=`cat` for NODE in $NODES do for prop in `/usr/bin/oarnodes --sql "network_address='$NODE'"|egrep "^properties"`; do res=`echo $prop|egrep "^mac_address"` if [ "$res" != "" ]; then MAC_ADDR=`/bin/echo $res|/bin/sed -e "s/mac_address=//"|sed -e "s/,//"` fi done if [ "$MAC_ADDR" != "" ]; then #/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/etherwake $MAC_ADDR echo "ICANHAS $MAC_ADDR?"|nc -u -b -w 1 6666 fi done exit 0
And restart the oar-server service.